Making media that makes a difference

If you’ve ever wished that you could learn to use media to share Jesus, Nomad Academy is for you. This platform equips you in media strategy, design, production and distribution to enable the name of Jesus to go further than ever before.





“In today’s digitalized world, we can propagate the Gospel through media.” – Chioma, Nigeria

“I learned how to use social media effectively to share the Word of God.” – Jacob, Mali

“Nomad Academy has helped me sharpen my skills to inspire others.” – Rose, Kenya


To touch hearts and change lives through media, you need a plan. The first course of Nomad Academy teaches the importance of a solid strategy that not only helps you create media but also reaches people with the gospel.

Nothing impacts people like a good story told well. Learn how to turn your project idea into a clear and creative script in Nomad Academy’s second course.

Once you start production, there are lots of processes and practices to keep in mind. Use Nomad Academy’s third course as a guide to an excellent final product.

When you finish your project, it’s time to make sure that it reaches the people who need to see it. Learn to navigate social media and other distribution tools with Nomad Academy’s final course.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I completed Nomad Academy! What’s next?
    Once you’ve finished all Nomad Academy courses, you can consider starting one of GNPI’s Nomad teams. Talk with your Nomad Academy coach about this and other options.
  • I can’t login! How do I reset my password?
    You can reset your password by clicking “Forgot Password?” on the log-in page. A message will be sent to your email address to reset your password and give you access to your account again.
  • How much does it cost to enroll?
    It is free to apply for Nomad Academy and enroll in courses! You will need some tools to complete projects that may cost a small amount of money, but courses have been designed to allow students to participate at very low cost. Continue reading to see a list of needed tools.
  • What is the class schedule?
    Nomad Academy courses are designed to be completed at your own speed. However, you will have regular calls with your Nomad Academy coach at times that you will plan together.
  • What tools will I need to complete Nomad Academy projects?
    All reading materials and videos needed to complete each course are provided within Nomad Academy. However, a few basic tools are needed to create media projects. Nomad Academy courses teach you to make projects with smart devices, including smartphones and tablets. You will also need a rig and tripod to hold your device; a microphone, splitter, and earphones for acceptable sound; at least one bright light for good picture quality; and apps for video recording and editing. Recommendations for all of these tools are available in the courses.
  • How long will it take me to go through all the courses?
    Nomad Academy is made up of four main courses and about 70 individual parts. A focused student could finish all courses in about three months if they have a lot of time to use on the courses and assignments. For others that need to move more slowly, up to a year might be necessary to complete.
  • How can I connect with Nomad Academy Alumni in my area?
    The Nomad Academy website offers secure message boards for students all over the world to communicate and discuss lessons, assignments, and other topics. This is a great way to find other students in the Nomad Academy network. Nomad Academy coaches can also provide some information about other teams when asked.
  • Why is this program called Nomad Academy?
    Nomad Academy is owned by Good News Productions, International (GNPI). One focus of GNPI is Project Nomad, an international training program for people who want to share Jesus in their part of the world by creating media. Nomad Academy now brings Project Nomad online to make it available to even more people.
  • Can I take Nomad Academy courses with others?
    Though you can take these courses alone, we encourage groups to go through Nomad Academy together. This will help you better complete projects and continue the work of creating media and sharing Jesus after finishing the program.


Learn more today about how you can use your passion and grow your skills to produce media that shares Jesus.