TCL (T4:4-1) Google Ad Objectives
Google Ad Objectives
The list of campaign objectives you’ll find in Google Ads include:
Sales: This is helpful if you have a product or service to offer for a price.
Leads: If you are looking for customers or possible users of your product or business, this goal will provide lead generation to help find people who are interested in what you are offering.
Website Traffic: This goal is best used when you have more information to share and a process for ordering or taking next steps in an interaction with the viewer.
Product and Brand Considerations: The goal is to share as much information as you can about your brand and why the viewer should seriously think about what you’re offering.
Brand Awareness & Reach: This goal helps to improve your audience’s view of your product or service and to get more people to show an interest in what you are selling.
App Promotion: This goal is used to promote an app and encourage people to download it.
Local Store Visits and Promotions: This goal is used to drive more people to your store, most often used by offering promotional offers to entice viewers to take action.
Create a Campaign Without a Goal Guidance: This allows you to design a custom goal to meet your needs, including choosing a call to action that meets the goal of your campaign.

Video Lesson by Jon Ralls: How to Set Up a Google Ad Campaign Part 1 (2:07)
Video Lesson by Jon Ralls: How to Set Up a Google Ad Campaign Part 2 (1:20)